The Power of Unceasing Prayer for Our City

Imagine a city constantly enveloped in prayer—where every street, every home, every heart is covered in the presence of God. In our fast-paced, modern world, it might seem improbable or unnecessary, even irrelevant. Yet, Scripture and history reveal the transformative power of unceasing prayer. It has the ability to shift atmospheres, break down spiritual strongholds, and usher in God's kingdom in ways beyond human efforts. Unceasing prayer isn’t just for the benefit of individuals or churches; it is essential for the life and well-being of entire cities. Here’s why.

1. Unceasing Prayer Invites God's Presence

When we pray, we invite God's presence into our midst. Psalm 127:1 says, "Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain." This applies not just to houses of worship but to entire cities. No matter how much infrastructure or social programs a city has, it cannot flourish without the presence and favor of God. Through unceasing prayer, we create an atmosphere where God is constantly welcomed. We can sense it. Something is happening in our city. God’s presence is more readily felt and manifest even more than when we started 5 years ago. Just as the Israelites carried the Ark of the Covenant into battle, our prayers carry God's presence into the spiritual battles being waged over Tulsa.

2. Prayer Breaks Strongholds and Brings Transformation

Every city has its own unique challenges—whether it’s crime, poverty, addiction, or corruption. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that "the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds." Prayer is one of those weapons. Persistent, earnest, unceasing prayer breaks down spiritual strongholds that would hold Tulsa captive. We have seen this power of prayer lived out in measures of breakthrough in District 9 specifically in Hope Valley (61st and Peoria). As a holy experiment we have now fasted and prayed earnestly twice for breakthrough of the gospel and goodness of God in this area and we are seeing God’s hand on our labor to share the gospel and contribute in uplifting this community. Unceasing earnest prayer brings light into dark places and opens the way for God’s kingdom to advance. Cities that are steeped in prayer experience transformation at the spiritual root, which manifests in social and cultural reform.

3. Unceasing Prayer Unifies the Body of Christ

One of the greatest challenges in any city and especially in Tulsa is division—whether it’s racial, economic, or denominational. As we pursue unceasing prayer, we aim to see its unique ability to unify believers across these divides. As we come together in prayer, we lay down our differences and focus on the common goal of ministry to the Lord and seeking His will for our city. When churches, ministries, and individuals from all backgrounds commit to continuous prayer, we reflect the unity the “oneness” Jesus prayed for in John 17:21: "that they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You." This unity is powerful and attractive to a watching world.

4. Prayer Prepares the Ground for Spiritual Awakening

Throughout history, every major revival has been preceded by unceasing prayer. The Welsh Revival, the Azusa Street Revival, and more recent movements of The Holy Spirit were all birthed out of a commitment to relentless, fervent, sustained prayer. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are commanded to "pray without ceasing." This isn't just a suggestion but a divine strategy for shaking our city awake. When believers in a city are constantly interceding, asking God to move, they are filling to overflow the bowls of incense above our city, tilling the spiritual soil, and preparing the ground for a mighty outpouring of The Holy Spirit. I am convinced this will take place in Tulsa sooner than later as we cry out as one for God’s dream for Tulsa (Lk. 18:7-8). This will result in a great harvest (Matt. 9:35-38)!

5. Unceasing Prayer Establishes a Spiritual Watch Over the City

Ezekiel 22:30 says, "I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land." Through unceasing prayer, we become spiritual watchmen over our cities. Just as physical walls protect a city from invaders, prayer establishes spiritual walls that guard against attacks from the enemy. It sets a protective covering over the city, shielding it from spiritual dangers and aligning it with God’s purposes. I personally believe God means to make Tulsa a city of refuge, not because of its social programs, but due to a unified praying church in the midst.

6. Prayer Changes the Heart of Leadership

Leadership matters, and the Bible is clear that we are to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Unceasing prayer for city leaders—whether they are political, business, or community leaders—has the power to soften hearts, inspire godly decisions, and bring wisdom that benefits all citizens. When believers continually lift up those in power, they invite God’s influence into decision-making processes, resulting in justice, righteousness, and peace in the city.

7. Prayer Cultivates Compassion and Mission

When we commit to unceasing prayer for our city, God begins to change our hearts. We start to see Tulsa the way He does—with compassion and a desire to reach out. Unceasing prayer helps believers develop a heart for the lost, the broken, and the marginalized in their communities. This is the Isaiah 58 effect: The Holy Spirit will anoint every praying disciple and send us to the alleys, ruins, and cause us to embrace the thirsty, hungry, clothes-less. It stirs up a passion for mission and service, not just within the walls of the church but in the streets, neighborhoods, and workplaces. As we pray, God sends us as agents of His love and restoration into the very places we’ve been interceding for.


Unceasing prayer is not just an individual practice; it is a corporate calling to shape the destiny of our city. In the face of overwhelming challenges and darkness, unceasing prayer is our lifeline. It invites God's presence, breaks down strongholds, unifies the Body of Christ, and prepares the ground for revival. It establishes spiritual protection, changes leadership, and ignites mission.

If we want to see our cities transformed, we must first commit to relentless, continuous prayer. The call is clear: "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17), for in doing so, we open the door for God to move mightily in our midst. Let us not grow weary, but persevere, knowing that our prayers are powerful and effective, not just for ourselves, but for the well-being of our cities.

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