Building the House of Prayer: Trusting in God's Sovereignty and Provision

Over the last seven years the dream of building a house of prayers been a griping focus and sacred vision of my heart. This pursuit is rooted deeply in the desire to create a space where God's presence can dwell and where His people can gather to seek His face. It has never been just about constructing a physical building but about establishing a spiritual community given to prayer, worship, and missions is being offered up as a pure sacrifice day and night until Christ returns and makes Jerusalem a praise in the nations (Isa. 62:6-8). As we embark on this journey of building a physical space to house this reality, it's essential to remember that the success of this mission rests in the hands of a sovereign God, who not only guides our steps but also provides all that is needed to accomplish His purposes for and through His people (Deu. 8:17-18).

Trusting in God's Sovereignty

The Word of God is filled with passages that affirm God's sovereignty, reminding us that He is in control of all things. In Isaiah 46:9-10, God declares, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” This powerful statement encourages us to trust in God's overarching plan, knowing that the vision He has placed in our hearts for a house of prayer is part of His divine will.

Similarly, Proverbs 21:1 tells us, “In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.” This verse reminds us that even the hearts of leaders and authorities are under God's control. As we seek to build and fund a house of prayer, we can trust that God will move the hearts of those who are in positions to help and support this vision, guiding them to contribute in ways that fulfill His purposes.

Funding the Vision: God's Provision

One of the significant challenges in building a house of prayer is securing the necessary resources. However, we have been encouraged by the narrative thus far that God is building His house.

Two years ago, we felt a strong prompting from the Lord to step out in faith and pursue a space of our own. We committed this vision to prayer, fully understanding that this move would not be accomplished by human wisdom or strength, but solely by the Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). A few months ago, we launched a fundraising campaign and identified the property above as the one we believe the Lord was leading us to. After prayerful negotiations, we reached an agreement.

The next step was securing the initial funds, and what followed was nothing short of miraculous. During a recent mission trip to Berlin, Germany, amidst all the amazing works God performed, Pastor Robert Kayanja made an unexpected and divinely inspired gesture. After a brief sharing on the pastors and leaders panel, Pastor Robert suddenly called me out and announced, "…Caleb…the Lord spoke to us, and we would like to sow $20,000 into your ministry." I was utterly astonished. No one was aware of our specific prayer before the Lord. Before the conference began, the Lord had assured me that He would confirm this building by providing the initial funds Himself. Friends, the Lord is indeed building His house!

We first shared this wonderful news during our Encounter Night on Friday. After announcing it and inviting everyone to join in the Lord’s work, several individuals stepped forward with pledges. We now have approximately an additional $20,000 in pledges to help build this house! Though we are in need of much more than this, we are encouraged that the Lord is with us in this endeavor.

We stand firm as the Word of God reassures us of His provision. In Psalm 135:6, it is written, “The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.” This verse highlights God's unlimited power and resources, assuring us that He is more than capable of providing everything needed for the construction of His house.

In the Old Testament, we see several examples of how God provided for the building and restoration of His sacred spaces. When King David desired to build a temple for the Lord, he not only gave generously from his own wealth but also inspired others to do the same. 1 Chronicles 29:9 records that the people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord. This story encourages us to lead by example in giving and to trust that God will stir the hearts of others to contribute generously as well.

Similarly, during the restoration of the Temple under King Joash, a chest was placed outside the Temple for people to deposit their contributions. 2 Chronicles 24:10 tells us that the people responded gladly, filling the chest with their offerings. This joyful giving not only funded the restoration but also reflected a renewed commitment to God. As we seek to fund the house of prayer, we can take heart in knowing that when people catch the vision, their generosity will overflow, and God's provision will be abundant.

A Call to Action: Partnering with God's Plan

As we move forward in building the house of prayer, let us do so with full confidence in God's sovereignty and provision. We are not embarking on this journey alone; we are partnering with the Creator of the universe, who has promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).

This is a call to all who feel led to be part of this desire. Whether through prayer, financial contributions, or the sharing of talents and resources, your involvement is crucial in making this vision a reality. Just as the Israelites came together to build and restore God's house, so too can we join forces to create a place in Tulsa, OK where His presence is honored, and His people are united in prayer.

Let us step out in faith, knowing that the God who has called us to this task will also provide all that is necessary to accomplish it. Together, we can build a house of prayer that will stand as a testament to God's glory and a lighthouse for generations to come.

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